Human Resources (HR)

Creating a culture that you and your employees can be proud of should be at the top of your strategies.

Employee issues can be a headache to businesses. When the ACAS code of conduct is not followed, it can lead to a tribunal. This is a headache no Senior Leadership team wishes to be part of, we can help by providing businesses with no internal HR, ongoing commercial advice and support, including HR policies, documentation, Contracts & much more.

Some of our expertise include:

Employee Surveys measuring your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Creating a culture that you and your employees can be proud of should be at the top of your strategies.

Companies with a strong EVP can reduce employee turnover by over 69% and increase their revenue growth with continued engagement. Your employees are your greatest asset, creating the right experience for them to be their best is imperative. Employee engagement and measuring your EVP will drive retention, enhance culture and increase business growth.

We can assist with your recruitment requirements, whether that is placing adverts and shortlisting or organising/attending interviews.

Staff Handbooks
Staff handbooks are a great way of providing information to not only current employees but as part of your onboarding process. As a business leader you need to be clear on your culture, expectations and rules from the very beginning. Having a staff handbook will mean your employees have a point of reference throughout their employment with you and will give your new employees lots of important information about you as an employer.

We can review your current handbooks or create a new one which can include your company policies. No matter what your requirements are, we will work with you to prepare a bespoke handbook.

All businesses are required by employment law to follow the ACAS code of conduct when dealing with a disciplinary or grievance matter. Failure to follow this can end up in a tribunal claim lodged against you. Here at PeoplePartner4u we believe that communication is key, the earlier you have a HR expert assisting the less time and money it will cost, get in touch today to discuss further.

Communication is crucial to good employee management and will ensure the employee – employer relationship runs smoothly, if all parties are happy, productivity will increase. A good way of starting communication is via appraisals, they help to set the expectations of both parties.

Onsite HR presence
Many of our clients ask us to attend various meetings they have with employees both for moral support and to ensure the process is correct. We can help with the following:

  • Meeting preparation;
  • Attendance at investigation, grievance or disciplinary meetings;
  • Facilitate and mediate where employee issues arise;
  • Negotiate settlement agreements;
  • Note taking in staff meetings.
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