Health & Safety

Health & Safety is not a simple tick-box exercise

Of the 441,000 work related injuries each year in the UK, 51,211 were reported under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).

As an employer it is your legal and moral responsibility to your employees to provide a safe working environment; failure to do so could result in significant fines and/or imprisonment, which is why Health & safety has to be a top priority.

Health & Safety can be a scary task and a huge responsibility on employers. Most SMEs do not have the resources to employ someone in a permanent role which is where we can help. With the help of our consultants, you can sleep easy knowing your workplace is fully compliant and within the law.

Health & Safety is not a simple tick-box exercise; our Consultants will:

  • Visit your premises to undertake an initial H&S audit and provide a comprehensive (easy to read & implement) colour coded report which will identify the risks and recommend for actions, review and follow-up.
  • Undertake annual, quarterly or monthly reviews of the report to ensure actions have been taken and implemented
  • Provide health & safety policies and risk assessments as required.
  • Provide you with expert advice when you need it.

Our Health & Safety team provides you with access to a competent person to de-risk your working environment, ensuring your company complies with legislation and, therefore, helping you provide a safe workplace to your valued employees, contractors and visitors.

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